Profile Pic

, my name is Nirel and I'm a Software Developer

I like to combine art and technology in my work. I want to be able to connect everyone around the world and bring joy in many more ways than one. I like making cool projects and I always strive to honing my skills. In the future I want to explore the world of video game development and AI. Right now I am currently open to new clients!

Static website to look at the menu, determine direction of the restaurant and display all necessary information for consumers to locate and order food through the website.

Tools Used: HTML, CSS, JavasScript

Users can contact and book appointments with makeup artists and/or designers through the site. Products such as skincare, makeup tools, palettes and many more are displayed with a price with the ability to add to a cart to be purchased.

Tools Used: HTML, CSS, JavasScript

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptates eligendi quia mollitia ipsa asperiores deserunt repellendus, sequi doloremque necessitatibus laborum.

Tools Used: To be determined

Ready to start showcasing your art?
Want to finally make that E-commerce Store?
Or get your restaurant recognized by many more?
Contact me now and we'll start it together!

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